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4-day experience to cultivate self-trust
& befriend your unique nervous system

Only $33

3-day live interactive experience

Day 1:   Become aware of protective patterns blocking you from self-trust

Day 2:  Adjust your nervous system to start practicing more self-trust

Day 3:  Create a plan for a consistent practice to create a new way of life

I feel you…

You want to live into the success that is possible for you.

You want to be called out on second-guessing yourself and questioning your worth.

You see where you want to be but find yourself in self-protecting patterns of paralyzing negative thought loops that keep you in a shame spiral.

You see yourself take action that will move you forward but you settle for the breadcrumbs of life instead of what you truly desire.

Deep down there are parts of you scared that there will never be enough money, love, or time you cling to the familiar things that soothe you and…

You are fuckin over it!

But, it feels way too overwhelming and exhausting to change so…

You feel frozen, unable to move but also busy spinning in your mind and stuck in your body

You deeply desire to find your way out, trusting the answers are inside of you, but unsure where to go from here.

This 3-Day experience is for you if:

  • You are ready to shed the bullshit that your mind tells you & learn to hold more emotion in your body

  • You want to stop stressing about money & feel safe making more

  • You are ready to grow past the victim mentality & take ownership of your life

  • You want to feel safe to trust that your truth is enough and you are enough.

  • You are ready to unapologetically own your leadership

  • You want to feel the love you desire from others in yourself

  • You feel something in your body saying yes right now…

In 3 days, you have the opportunity to see your patterns clearly, slow down the repetitive chatter of negative thinking in your mind & learn to interrupt it with the power of your nervous system.

What you will learn in this experience:

The patterns protecting you from trusting yourself

Why trust, honesty, and open, clear communication feel so hard for you

The reasons it feels easier to keep trying to figure it all out with your thinking

When you choose to befriend your nervous system you will start to embody self-trust

How a consistent path will change your life, relationships & business forever

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Amy Guerrero


I am a conscious sober woman devoted to practicing what I teach moment to moment.

Choosing to get curious about the patterns that kept me alive carved a pathway to create a whole new way of life.

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